Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) for the Erwin Library at Wayne Community College (WCC) may be searched in the library or from any remote computer with internet access. Reference staff at the Erwin Library Circulation Desk are always happy to help any patron search the library catalog in person or by phone at 919-739-6891 or ext. 6891 on-campus.
To Perform a Simple Search
- In the left-hand box of the catalog screen, enter your search words by typing them into the search box input field.
- Next, choose the type of search you wish to conduct from the drop-down menu; the “Keyword” option is a general keyword search, good for a first exploratory search if you do not know an exact subject heading, author name, or book title.
- Leave the Format option set to "All Formats" because many of the format options in the list are not available at Erwin Library.
- Leave the Library selection set to Wayne Community College unless you want to check other community colleges in the NCCCE consortium.
- Click the Search button.
- In the resulting Search Results list, if you find a title that seems helpful, click on the title link of the selected entry.
- From the bottom of the "Item Details" screen, note the item’s call number to locate it on the shelf of the Erwin Library.
- Also, note the special information to the right of the call number, indicating whether the item is available and the shelving location (such as General or Juvenile) where the item is shelved.
- To locate subjects used to identify the item, which is helpful to use as the subject to search for other similar books, click on the "More Details" button; the blue text means that you may click on that subject as a link to find other materials in the Erwin Library with the same subject heading.
- If you find helpful subject terms, note the subject terms and select the Subject field option from the "Type" drop-down menu of the search bar, then type in the new subject term and click the Search button for another Results List.
Any Erwin Library patron may also renew items checked out to their Erwin Library account from a remote computer at home or in their office simply by using their Erwin Library barcode and PIN (contact the library if you do not know your PIN).
Items may be renewed for two extra checkout periods until they show as overdue; the system will not permit renewal on or after the due date. If the patron wants to renew an overdue item, contact the library by phone, email, or visit the circulation desk in person.
To Renew Materials Online
- Click My Account at the top of the catalog search page.
- Enter your library barcode number and PIN when prompted in the “Login To Evergreen” box.
- Click the "My Account" again at the top right of the catalog search page.
- To renew all your materials at once:
- Click the "Items Checked Out" box
- Check the box next to each item in the list you want to renew
- Click the "Renew Selected" button above your item list.
- Click "Yes" to confirm the renewal of selected items.
- Make a note of the new Due Date
- When you are finished, click “Log Out” at the top of the screen.
- To renew only select items:
- Click in the box(es) next to the item(s) you want to renew.
- Click the "Renew" button above or below your item list.
- Click "Yes" to confirm the renewal of the selected items.
- Make a note of the new Due Date
- When you are finished, click “Log Out” at the top of the screen.