All WCC faculty and staff members, whether part-time or full-time, must have a WCC picture ID made by the Student Affairs Office to which the Erwin Library barcode may be affixed.
All WCC faculty and students are encouraged to apply for either a new or an updated Erwin Library card using the online Library Card Application.
Suppose you wish to verify that all students in one of your classes have registered with the library for a library barcode number. In that case, you may use the Ask A Librarian online form to email the request, including the student roster in the email text or as an attachment. A librarian will reply with an up-to-date list of students currently registered with the library from your list.
A third party may present another Erwin Library patron’s card to check out materials for the absent patron. Still, the patron whose card is used will be responsible for the items’ good condition and return or replacement cost.
Thirty-two computers are available for use by patrons with a WCC Username. All library computer workstations have Microsoft Office 365 and flash drives. Faculty requested specialized program software is loaded by WCC IT staff on selected workstations. Another fifteen networked laptops are available for in-library use only with a WCC Library Card. If faculty wish to change any specialized software on the computer workstations they should contact the WCC IT Department to process their requests.
Library users who do not have a WCC Username may request a temporary Guest Pass login at the Circulation Desk; an N.C. Driver’s License or other valid picture ID must be presented before a Guest Pass can be issued for a computer workstation. Library users under the age of eighteen may not use the library computer workstations unless currently enrolled in a WCC program, therefore having a valid ID and WCC Username for login.
Assistance is available to students having trouble with their WCC Username or Password from the 24/7 IT Helpdesk at 1-877-220-5016. Students should be aware that records for new student Usernames/Passwords are uploaded to this Helpdesk once a day in the morning. New students may need to wait until the next day for their information to be available to the Helpdesk staff.
Library computer workstation users must abide by Wayne Community College’s (WCC) Technology Acceptable Use Procedure (TAUP), which includes no spamming, cyber harassment, cyberstalking, conducting activities for financial gain, as well as limited access to social networking and game sites if other users need computers for class related work.
Computer workstation #10 in the library circulation area has ZoomText Magnifier/Reader and JAWS (Job Access With Speech) software.
Wireless internet access is freely available to all Erwin Library users and college visitors with no special login required.
Wireless Printing Service is available for use from any internet connected computer or mobile device.
All print jobs are sent to the Erwin Library printer and may be picked up and at the Circulation Desk during the library’s regular Hours of Operation. No login is required; you only need your email address to identify your print job at the Circulation Desk.
Both in-library and wireless print options include printing almost any document or web page, in one of four formats: black and white single-sided, black and white double-sided (i.e. duplex), color single-sided, or color double-sided (i.e. duplex) format. WCC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students are not charged for any print costs (make sure to have your WCC ID card with you for verification). However, a limit of twenty pages per day is imposed on community patrons.
You may call ahead to make sure that your print job is available for you to pick up by calling the Circulation Desk (919.739.6891). Use the Wireless Printing Service link on the Erwin Library homepage to find out more, or to initiate your print request.
An online Erwin Library Student Guide providing comprehensive introductions to all of the library’s services and resources is available on the Erwin Library webpage and from the college’s Moodle page using the Library Student Guide link in the menu bar at the top of the page. Also found in this menu bar is a link to the Library Literacy Quiz, which only requires a user’s WCC Moodle login credentials to access, take, and receive instant feedback with a final score.
By assigning students to review the Student Guide and then take the Library Literacy Quiz, any WCC faculty member can provide an online information literacy component for the entire class, without needing a face-to-face presentation in the library or a classroom.
The instructor may then send the list of student names and WCC email addresses to a librarian using the Ask a Librarian online form, requesting the test scores for each student. Dates and times the test was taken, as well as how many times it was taken by each student can also be sent back to the instructor in an email, along with the scores.
The Faculty Guide to Erwin Library also targets specific faculty concerns such as Information Literacy, Copyright, and Moodle-related library services and resources.
Erwin Reference Librarians conduct face-to-face information literacy training sessions in either the Erwin Library Literacy Lab or in any off-site location on campus by appointment. The Reference Librarians are also available to schedule a one-on-one reference assistance appointment or to conduct library tours in the Erwin Library.
In information literacy sessions, students receive hands-on instruction for searching the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), all research databases to which the Erwin Library subscribes, and relevant authoritative Internet and paper resources.
Faculty are requested to please use the online In-Classroom Instruction or the In-Library Instruction reservation forms to request a session. However, the instructor may certainly call the Circulation Desk (919.739.6891; ext. 6891 on-campus) later to clarify details or special requests. Instructor-led information literacy sessions may also be arranged, using the In-Library Instruction reservation form for the Library Literacy Lab. Additionally, a faculty member may request that a Reference Librarian be available to answer questions from students in any instructor-led information session.
Appointments for information literacy sessions or instructor-led information sessions in the Library Literacy Lab should be confirmed at least a week in advance to ensure the Library Literacy Lab's availability for the requested time slot.
Requests for sessions to be taught in the instructor’s own classroom may be made by completing the In-Classroom Instruction reservation form. An in-classroom session is desirable if the class includes more than twenty-five students.
An information literacy session may easily be tailored by the Erwin Reference Librarian to suit the specific research needs of a particular class’s current assignment or project if the faculty member enters his or her specific needs in the "Identify any areas of special interest to cover with your class" field of the online form.
Full Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available free to any faculty member with a current Erwin Library card, and material may be picked up at the Erwin Library Circulation desk by a third party presenting the requestor’s library card. An interlibrary loan request for a book should be made at the library at least two weeks before it is needed.
Loan requests must be made using either the online Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form for ARTICLE or the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form for BOOK. A Reference Librarian will be happy to assist you in using the online form from your home or office computer or an Erwin Library workstation.
No ILL item may be placed on Academic Reserve.
Copies of articles in PDF, or temporarily accessible links to them in a database, are usually emailed once received from the sending library.
The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) may be searched remotely from any computer with Internet access, though holds may be placed only with an Erwin Library card barcode.
This Erwin Library card barcode also provides login access to all research databases and the patron’s account in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) to renew checked-out items before they are overdue or to place an intra-library hold on an item held by another CCLINC library.
The WCC Single Search discovery service now allows Erwin Library users, either on-campus or remotely, to make the most of the library’s ever-evolving collection of electronic resources. Accessible through this discovery service are over 200 databases providing access to thousands of videos, over 600,000 ebooks, and 100,000 journals, through institutional subscriptions and NC Live to meet the needs of Wayne Community College’s academic programs and student research needs.
For faculty who wish to add a video link from the digital video resources to which the Erwin Library subscribes, to a Moodle course page so students taking a course may view the video through the course page, you will need to prepend our proxy prefix to the permalink. For example, the permalink you want to link to is so the resulting final URL would be
Faculty may suggest materials be purchased for the Library Collections by contacting the Reference Librarians in person, by phone (919.739.6891, or ext. 6891 on-campus) or by email at, who will verify bibliographic information for the title(s) and direct the suggestion to the Director of Library Services.
Please include personal contact information if you wish to be updated about the request's status, and you will be notified promptly.
Criteria for selecting or deselecting library materials in all formats and subject areas may be found in the Collection Development Plan.
All General Collection books are checked out for a 21-day period, with the option to renew twice. The renewals can be requested online by the patron in the OPAC under the following conditions:
If the books are overdue but the patron has remaining renewals, the renewal request must be made in person or by calling the Erwin Library Circulation Desk at (919) 739-6891.
The library only maintains a small collection of DVDs on behalf of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA), mainly used by NCSBA affiliates all over the state for training purposes, but also available to any WCC faculty member. These DVDs may circulate to WCC faculty for a seven-day period, with a limit of three titles (a multi-volume set may be considered a single title) on a single library account at any one time.
Otherwise, thousands of streaming videos in all subject areas are now available from the library’s homepage through the WCC Bison Single Search discovery service. Links to these digital videos may also be added to any Moodle class page or sent to one or more recipients in an email for use by any number of simultaneous users at any time of the day or night. Only the user’s Erwin Library card barcode number is needed as a login for viewing outside of the library.
Though Erwin Library does not charge overdue fees, faculty are responsible for the cost of replacement of lost or damaged items, whether owned by the Erwin Library or items borrowed for the faculty member on ILL.