Whether you're an instructor or a member of the staff at WCC, you will want to improve your skills and knowledge of what makes WCC tick: teaching, learning, leading, and succeeding. The Erwin Library can provide access to many of the professional materials you may need, including:
Community College Journal | Journal of College Science Teaching | Teaching English in the Two-Year College | Chronicle of Higher Education | Adult Learning | Teaching and Learning in Nursing |
The Community College Journal is AACC's (American Association of Community Colleges) bi-monthly magazine. It features articles by leading experts, opinions that put the news in perspective, coverage of higher education issues, and profiles of the field's leaders. Every issue covers news and information from a national network of colleges, providing the latest surveys, practices, and innovations. | A peer-reviewed journal published by the National Science Teachers Association. | Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TETYC), the journal of the Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), is for instructors of English in two-year colleges as well as for teachers of first- and second-year composition in four-year institutions. TETYC publishes theoretical and practical articles on composition, developmental studies, technical and business communication, literature, creative expression, language, and the profession. |
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Online, The Chronicle is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe. The Chronicle's website features the complete contents of the latest issue. |
The audience includes those who teach adults; design, manage, and evaluate programs; and researchers on adult learning, development and teaching practices. We publish research articles focused on reporting the importance to practice; literature reviews; conceptual and theoretical pieces; and quality accounts of innovations in practice as peer reviewed articles. We also publish short personal reflections and descriptions of resources useful to educators of adults. | Teaching and Learning in Nursing is the Official Journal of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing. The journal is dedicated to the advancement of Associate Degree Nursing education and practice, and promotes collaboration in charting the future of health care education and delivery. |
Creating Self-Regulated Learners By Linda Nilson and Barry J. Zimmerman Published: 2013 ISBN: 9781579228668 Linda Nilson provides the theoretical background to student self-regulation, the evidence that it enhances achievement, and the strategies to help students develop it. At a time of so much concern about what our students are learning in college and how well prepared they are for the challenges of tomorrow's economy and society, self-regulated learning provides a reassuring solution, particularly as studies indicate that struggling students benefit the most from practicing it. |
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection LB 1060 .N55 2013 |
How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where and Why it Happens By Benedict Carey Published: 2014 ISBN: 9780812993882 Award-winning science reporter Benedict Carey discovers that, from the moment we are born, we are all learning quickly, efficiently, and automatically; but in our zeal to systematize the process we have ignored valuable, naturally enjoyable learning tools like forgetting, sleeping, and daydreaming. Is a dedicated desk in a quiet room really the best way to study? Can altering your routine improve your recall? Are there times when distraction is good? Is repetition necessary? Carey's search for answers to these questions yields a wealth of strategies that make learning more a part of our everyday lives--and less of a chore. |
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection BF318 .C366 2014 |
Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress By Jack Mezirow Published: 2000 ISBN: 9780787948450 Fifteen of the field's top scholars and practitioners join Jack Mezirow ... to review the core principles of transformation theory, analyze the process of transformative learning, describe different types of learning and learners, suggest key conditions for socially responsible learning, explore group and organizational learning, and present revelations from the latest research. They also share real-world examples drawn from their own experiences as educators and assess the evolution of transformative learning in practice and philosophy. Learning as Transformation presents an intimate portrait of a powerful learning concept and invites educators, researchers, and scholars to consider the implications of transformative learning in their own professional work. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB1059 .M49 2000 |
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning By Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel Published: 2014 ISBN: 9780674729018 New insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved have led to a better understanding of how we learn ... Many common study habits and practice routines turn out to be counterproductive. Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has set in, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another. Speaking most urgently to students, teachers, trainers, and athletes, Make It Stick will appeal to all those interested in the challenge of lifelong learning and self-improvement. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB1060 .B768 2014 |
Erwin Library Permalink | Ebook Edition |
Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning by José Antonio Bowen Published: 2012 ISBN: 9781118110355 You've heard about "flipping your classroom"—now find out how to do it! Introducing a new way to think about higher education, learning, and technology that prioritizes the benefits of the human dimension. José Bowen recognizes that technology is profoundly changing education and that if students are going to continue to pay enormous sums for campus classes, colleges will need to provide more than what can be found online and maximize "naked" face-to-face contact with faculty. Here, he illustrates how technology is most powerfully used outside the classroom, and, when used effectively, how it can ensure that students arrive to class more prepared for meaningful interaction with faculty. Bowen offers practical advice for faculty and administrators on how to engage students with new technology while restructuring classes into more active learning environments. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB1028.3 .B589 2012 |
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders By Susan A. Wheelan Published: 2005 ISBN: 9781412913768 A bestseller in its first edition, Creating Effective Teams, Second Edition, is sure to be a perfect fit for team leaders and members, trainers, managers, consultants, psychologists, military, and educators. Students enrolled in organizational studies, management, human resources, social psychology, education, group studies, leadership, sociology, and communication courses may also benefit from this bestseller. |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | HD66 .W485 2005 |
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead By Brené Brown Published: 2015 ISBN: 9781592408412 Without question, putting ourselves out there means there’s a far greater risk of getting criticized or feeling hurt. But when we step back and examine our lives, we will find that nothing is as uncomfortable, dangerous, and hurtful as standing on the outside of our lives looking in and wondering what it would be like if we had the courage to step into the arena—whether it’s a new relationship, an important meeting, the creative process, or a difficult family conversation. Daring Greatly is a practice and a powerful new vision for letting ourselves be seen. |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number: | BF575.A85 B76 2015 |
Facilitation Skills : Helping Groups Make Decisions By Gregory B. Putz Published: 2002 ISBN: 9780966445619 A comprehensive guidebook outlining the six steps to group decision-making. The book includes practical advice on setting up the meeting room, using flipcharts, building consensus, and handling conflict. Important information on do's and don'ts and frequently asked questions are included in the text. Special emphasis is placed on the neutral role of the facilitator. An easy-to-follow format, this book is an essential tool for any community leader, as well as business manager, supervisor, or team leader. |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | HD66 .P88 2002 |
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable By Patrick Lencioni Published: 2002 ISBN: 9780787960759 In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team ... Kathryn Petersen, Decision Tech's CEO, faces the ultimate leadership crisis: Uniting a team in such disarray that it threatens to bring down the entire company. Will she succeed? Will she be fired? Will the company fail? Lencioni's utterly gripping tale serves as a timeless reminder that leadership requires as much courage as it does insight. Throughout the story, Lencioni reveals the five dysfunctions which go to the very heart of why teams even the best ones-often struggle. He outlines a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome these common hurdles and build a cohesive,effective team. Just as with his other books, Lencioni has written a compelling fable with a powerful yet deceptively simple message for all those who strive to be exceptional team leaders. |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | HD66 .W485 2005 |
Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow By Joshua Spodek Published: 2017 ISBN: 9780814437933 'Learn how to lead. Leadership literature is full of principles and ideas-but they rarely leave the page. Practice is what turns abstract concepts into useful skills. Leadership Step by Step walks readers through what to do and how to do it in an integrated and comprehensive progression of exercises designed to cultivate key abilities, behaviors, and beliefs through experience. The 22 exercises in this hands-on book help you accomplish the inner work and gain the social skills required for great leadership. Each chapter opens with a story demonstrating a leadership skill-and then guides you through the process of developing it. From basic solo assignments to advanced leadership practices, you'll learn to: Build self-awareness * Manage emotions * Speak in your authentic voice * Create meaningful connections * Inspire others * Lead with empathy * Support teammates * And more Powerful and practical, Leadership Step by Step will start you on the road to success." |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | HD57.7 .S697 2017 |
The Hard Truth about Soft Skills : Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They'd Learned Sooner By Peggy Klaus Published: 2008 ISBN: 9780061284144 Fortune 500 coach Peggy Klaus encounters individuals every day who excel at their jobs but aren't getting where they want to go. It's rarely a shortfall in technical expertise that limits their careers but rather a shortcoming in their social, communication, and self-management behaviors. In The Hard Truth About Soft Skills, Klaus delivers practical tools and techniques for mastering soft skills across the career spectrum. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection HD30.3 .K584 2007 |
Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders By John Baldoni Published 2003 ISBN: 9780071414968 Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders gives anyone from managers to executives an unparalleled opportunity to do just that. John Baldoni explores the communication styles of many of the world's most influential leaders and extracts powerful lessons that leaders of all stripes can use to improve their communication skills and overall leadership effectiveness. |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | HD30.3 .B366 2003 |
Leading the Unleadable: How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People By Alan Willett Published: 2016 ISBN: 9780814437605 Difficult people are the worst part of a manager's job. Willett teaches you a straightforward process that gently, yet effectively, improves behaviors by revealing a core truth: most people actually want to contribute results, not cause headaches. What sets great managers apart is how they turn their problem players into productive team players. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection HD57.7 .W533 2017 |
The Leadership Challenge (Sixth Edition) By James Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner Published: 2017 ISBN: 9781119278962 This leadership classic ...is the gold standard for research-based leadership, and the premier resource on becoming a leader. This new edition ... has been extensively updated with the latest research and case studies, and offers inspiring new stories of real people achieving extraordinary results. The authors' central theme remains the same and is more relevant today than ever: "Leadership is Everyone's Business." Their "five practices" and "ten commitments" have been proven by hundreds of thousands of dedicated, successful leaders. This edition, with almost one-third new material, emphasizes the global community and refocuses on business leaders. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection HD57.7 .K68 2017 |
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die By Chip Heath and Dan Heath Published: 2008 ISBN: 9781400064281 Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus public health scares circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas--business people, teachers, politicians, journalists, and others--struggle to make their ideas "stick." Why do some ideas thrive while others die? And how do we improve the chances of worthy ideas? Educators and idea collectors Chip and Dan Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the "human scale principle," using the "Velcro Theory of Memory," and creating "curiosity gaps." In this fast-paced tour of success stories (and failures), we discover that sticky messages of all kinds--from the infamous "kidney theft ring" hoax to a coach's lessons on sportsmanship to a vision for a new product at Sony--draw their power from the same six traits. This book will transform the way you communicate ideas. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection HM1033 .H43 2008 |
Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement By Peter T. Coleman and Robert Ferguson Published: 2014 ISBN: 9780544148390 A practical guide to navigating workplace conflicts by better understanding the power dynamics at play in every interaction. Contents include: The nature of conflict and power; Power-conflict traps; Conflict intelligence; Pragmatic benevolence; Cultivated support; Constructive dominance: Strategic appeasement; Selective autonomy; Effective adaptivity; Principled rebellion. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection HD42 .C6424 2014 |
Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (Sixth Edition) By Michael Simonson, Sharon Smaldino, and Susan M. Zvacek Published: 2015 ISBN: 9781623967987 Teaching and Learning at a Distance is written for introductory distance education courses for preservice or in-service teachers, and for training programs that discuss teaching distant learners or managing distance education systems. This text provides readers with the basic information needed to be knowledgeable distance educators and leaders of distance education programs. The teacher or trainer who uses this book will be able to distinguish between appropriate uses of distance education. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LC5800 .T43 2015 |
Teaching to Transgress : Education as the Practice of Freedom By Bell Hooks Published: 1994 ISBN: 9780415908078 Hooks begins her meditations on class, gender and race in the classroom with the confession that she never wanted to teach. By combining personal narrative, essay, critical theory, dialogue and a fantasy interview with herself (the latter artificial construct being the least successful), Hooks declares that education today is failing students by refusing to acknowledge their particular histories. Criticizing the teaching establishment for employing an over-factualized knowledge to deny and suppress diversity, Hooks accuses colleagues of using "the classroom to enact rituals of control that were about domination and the unjust exercise of power." Far from a castigation of her field, however, Teaching to Transgress is full of hope and excitement for the possibility of education to liberate and include. |
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General Collection LC196 .H66 1994 |
What the Best College Teachers Do By Ken Bain Published: 2004 ISBN: 9780674013254 What makes a great teacher great? Who are the professors students remember long after graduation? The short answer is--it's not what teachers do, it's what they understand. Lesson plans and lecture notes matter less than the special way teachers comprehend the subject and value human learning. Whether historians or physicists, in El Paso or St. Paul, the best teachers know their subjects inside and out--but they also know how to engage and challenge students and to provoke impassioned responses. Most of all, they believe two things fervently: that teaching matters and that students can learn. What the Best College Teachers Do is a treasure trove of insight and inspiration for first-year teachers and seasoned educators. |
Erwin Library Call Number Permalink |
General Collection LB2331 .B34 2004 |
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success By Carol S. Dweck Published: 2016 ISBN: 9780345472328 Dweck explains why it’s not just our abilities and talent that bring us success–but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn’t foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals–personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection BF773 .D85 2016 |
Pathways to Possibility: Transforming Our Relationship with Ourselves, Each Other, and the World By Rosamund Stone Zander Published: 2016 ISBN: 9780670025183
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General Collection BF637 .S37 Z37 2016 |
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking By Susan Cain Published: 2012 ISBN: 9780307352149 Demonstrates how introverted people are misunderstood and undervalued in modern culture, charting the rise of extrovert ideology while sharing anecdotal examples of how to use introvert talents to adapt to various situations. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection BF698.35 .I59 C35 2012 |
When : The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing By Daniel H. Pink Published: 2018 9780735210622 Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology, and economics, Pink reveals how best to live, work, and succeed. How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test scores? How can we turn a stumbling beginning into a fresh start? Why should we avoid going to the hospital in the afternoon? Why is singing in time with other people as good for you as exercise? And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers, or get married? |
Erwin Library | General Collection |
Call Number | BF468 .P57 2018 |
Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher (Second Edition) By Stephen D. Brookfield Published: 2017 ISBN: 9781119049708 This fully revised second edition features a wealth of new material, including new chapters on critical reflection in the context of social media, teaching race and racism, leadership in a critically reflective key, and team teaching as critical reflection. In addition, all chapters have been thoroughly updated and expanded to align with today's classrooms, whether online or face-to-face, in large lecture formats or small groups ... Educators with the courage to challenge their own assumptions in an effort to improve learning are invaluable role models our students need.
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection LB 2331 .B677 2017 |
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty By James M. Lang Published: 2013 ISBN: 9780674724631 Cheating Lessons is a practical guide to tackling academic dishonesty at its roots. Drawing on an array of findings from cognitive theory, Lang analyzes the specific, often hidden features of course design and daily classroom practice that create opportunities for cheating. Courses that set the stakes of performance very high, that rely on single assessment mechanisms like multiple-choice tests, that have arbitrary grading criteria: these are the kinds of conditions that breed cheating. Lang seeks to empower teachers to create more effective learning environments that foster intrinsic motivation, promote mastery, and instill the sense of self-efficacy that students need for deep learning. |
Erwin Library Permalink | Ebook Edition |
Continuing to Engage the Online Learner: More Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction By Rita-Marie Conrad Published: 2012 ISBN: 9781118000175 Comprehensive in scope, the book provides an introduction to the theory of engaged learning and its design, assessment, and management in online and blended learning environments and describes the types of activities that motivate the online learner in each phase of engagement. This down-to-earth resource also includes 50 new and illustrative activities paired with each phase of engagement. In Continuing to Engage the Online Learner Rita-Marie Conrad and J. Ana Donaldson provide relevant and theoretically-sound information to enhance teaching and engage learners, offering a practical handbook for instructors.
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection L 1044.87 .C655 2012 |
The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life By Parker J. Palmer Published: 2007 ISBN: 9780787996864 This book builds on a simple premise: good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teaching takes myriad forms but good teachers share one trait: they are authentically present in the classroom, in community with their students and their subject. They possess "a capacity for connectedness" and are able to weave a complex web of connections between themselves, their subjects, and their students, helping their students weave a world for themselves. |
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection LB1775 .P25 2007 |
Creating Self-Regulated Learners By Linda Nilson and Barry J. Zimmerman Published: 2013 ISBN: 9781579228668 Linda Nilson provides the theoretical background to student self-regulation, the evidence that it enhances achievement, and the strategies to help students develop it. At a time of so much concern about what our students are learning in college and how well prepared they are for the challenges of tomorrow's economy and society, self-regulated learning provides a reassuring solution, particularly as studies indicate that struggling students benefit the most from practicing it. |
Erwin Library Call Number: |
General Collection LB 1060 .N55 2013 |
Learner-Centered Teaching: Putting the Research on Learning Into Practice By Terry Doyle Published: 2011 ISBN: 9781579227432 Overview: This book presents the research-based case that Learner Centered Teaching (LCT) offers the best means to optimize student learning in college, and offers examples and ideas for putting it into practice, as well the underlying rationale. It also starts from the premise that many faculty are much closer to being learner centered teachers than they think, but don't have the full conceptual understanding of the process to achieve its full impact. There is sometimes a gap between what we would like to achieve in our teaching and the knowledge and strategies needed to make it happen. LCT keeps all of the good features of a teacher-centered approach and applies them in ways that are in better harmony with how our brains learn. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB1027.23 .D69 2011 |
Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology By Michelle D. Miller Published: 2014 ISBN: 9780674660021 For the Internet generation, educational technology designed with the brain in mind offers a natural pathway to the pleasures and rewards of deep learning. Drawing on neuroscience and cognitive psychology, Michelle Miller shows how attention, memory, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning can be enhanced through technology-aided approaches. |
Erwin Library Permalink | Ebook Edition |
On Course: A Week-by-Week Guide to Your First Semester of College Teaching By James M. Lang Published: 2008 ISBN: 9780674028067 Practical and lively, On Course is full of experience-tested, research-based advice for graduate students and new teaching faculty. It provides a range of innovative and traditional strategies that work well without requiring extensive preparation or long grading sessions when you’re trying to meet your own demanding research and service requirements. What do you put on the syllabus? How do you balance lectures with group assignments or discussions—and how do you get a dialogue going when the students won’t participate? What grading system is fairest and most efficient for your class? Should you post lecture notes on a website? How do you prevent cheating, and what do you do if it occurs? How can you help the student with serious personal problems without becoming overly involved? And what do you do about the student who won’t turn off his cell phone? |
Erwin Library Permalink |
Ebook Edition |
By Linda Burzotta Nilson Published: 2016 ISBN: 9780470401040 This thoroughly revised edition includes the newest portrait of the Millennial student; current research from cognitive psychology; a focus on outcomes maps; the latest legal options on copyright issues; and how to best use new technology including wikis, blogs, podcasts, vodcasts, and clickers. Entirely new chapters include subjects such as matching teaching methods with learning outcomes, inquiry-guided learning, and using visuals to teach, and new sections address Felder and Silverman's Index of Learning Styles, SCALE-UP classrooms, multiple true-false test items, and much more. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2331 .N55 2016 |
Teaching for Critical Thinking: Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions By Stephen Brookfield Published: 2012 ISBN: 9780470889343 In Teaching for Critical Thinking, Stephen Brookfield builds on his last three decades of experience running workshops and teaching courses on critical thinking to explore how student learn to think this way, and what teachers can do the help students develop this capacity. He outlines a basic protocol of critical thinking as a learning process that focuses on uncovering and checking assumptions, exploring alternative perspectives, and taking informed actions as a result. Written to address the broad range of disciplines, this book fosters a shared understanding of critical thinking and helps to various constituencies adapt general principles to specific disciplinary contexts. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection BF441 .B7915 2012 |
Teaching Men of Color in the Community College: A Guidebook By Luke J. Wood Published: 2015 ISBN: 9780744229523 |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LC2781 .W66 2015 |
Tools for Teaching (Second Edition) By Barbara Gross Davis Published: 2009 ISBN: 9780787965679 This is the long-awaited update on the bestselling book that offers a practical, accessible reference manual for faculty in any discipline. This new edition contains up-to-date information on technology as well as expanding on the ideas and strategies presented in the first edition. It includes more than sixty-one chapters designed to improve the teaching of beginning, mid-career, or senior faculty members. The topics cover both traditional tasks of teaching as well as broader concerns, such as diversity and inclusion in the classroom and technology in educational settings. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2331 .D37 2009 |
The Adjunct Faculty Handbook (Second Edition) By Lori E. Cooper and Bryan A. Booth Published: 2010 ISBN: 9781412975193 Key Features:
Erwin Library Permalink |
A Handbook for Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty and Teachers of Adults (Seventh Edition) By Donald Greive and Patricia Lesko Published: 2011 ISBN: 9780940017368 |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2331 .G72 2011 |
Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success By Thomas R. Bailey, Shanna Smith Jaggers, and Davis Jenkins Published: 2015 ISBN: 9780674368286
Community colleges were originally designed to expand college enrollments at low cost, not to maximize completion of high-quality programs of study. The result was a cafeteria-style model in which students pick courses from a bewildering array of choices, with little guidance. The authors urge administrators and faculty to reject this traditional model in favor of “guided pathways”―clearer, more educationally coherent programs of study that simplify students’ choices without limiting their options and that enable them to complete credentials and advance to further education and the labor market more quickly and at less cost. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2328 .B26 2015 |
Re-visioning Community Colleges: Positioning for Innovation By Debbie Sydow and Richard L. Alfred Published: 2013 ISBN: 9781442214866 Re-visioning Community Colleges traces the development and generational evolution of community colleges, explores the past success and future capacity of community colleges as disruptive innovators, and analyzes this sector’s unique advantages and vulnerabilities. Ultimately, Sydow and Aflred presents alternative futures for community colleges as they—like all sectors of higher education—face rapidly changing environmental forces and conditions. Re-visioning, the primary thrust of the book, is the process of foresight into the shape that community colleges will likely take in the future, on the basis of their growth and innovation trajectory and in response to the dramatic industry shift that is currently underway in the higher education enterprise |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2328.15 .U6 S94 2013 |
STEM Models of Success: Programs, Policies, and Practices in the Community College By J. Luke Wood Published: 2014 ISBN: 9781623964825 Community colleges serve the lion's share of the nation's postsecondary students ... [and]account for nearly 30% of all STEM undergraduate majors in postsecondary institutions. These students serve as a core element of the STEM pipeline into four-year colleges and universities via the community college transfer function. Moreover, community colleges are the primary postsecondary access point for non-traditional students, including students of color, first-generation, low-income, and adult students ... Increasing success among these populations can contribute significantly to advancing the nation's interests in STEM. As such, the community college is situated as an important site for innovative practices that have strong implications for bolstering the nation's production and sustenance of a STEM labor force. |
Erwin Library Permalink | Ebook Edition |
Yes We Can!: A Community College Guide for Developing America's Underprepared By Robert H. McCabe Published: 2003 ISBN: 9781931300346 Champion the mission of developmental education and support the effort to advocate for the underprepared with the unflinching Robert McCabe, author of No One to Waste. This is your opportunity to capitalize on today's high level of interest in developmental education among public decision makers and community college leaders with the guidance of McCabe's Yes We Can! Enlightenment and program enrichment comes from in-depth discussions of learning and curricula, technology, placement and assessment, and English as a second language, as well as close-ups of effective community college programs and practices.League for Innovation in the Community College and AACC. |
Erwin Library Call Number |
General Collection LB2331.2 .M35 2003 |